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Q: What is the definition of a Large Vacuole?
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Where is the large vacuole located in the plant cell?

Vacuole is a large organell.It in middle of the cell.

What does a large center vacuole do?

a large vacuole is not the same as a central vacuole. a large central vacuole is only for trees. a large vacuole is only for flowers

What is the definition of water vacuole?

A water vacuole is a membrane in the cytoplasm of a cell usually filled with mostly water. There could be food and metabolic waste in the vacuole, as well

Is large vacuole found in both cells?

no , large vacuole found in plant cell because in animal cell water requirement is completed by other sources while in plant require large vacuole to maintain their shape.

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Why is the vacuole of the plant cell large?

large vacuole because it needs to hold water since it cant moveRead more: Does_an_plant_cell_have_a_large_vacuole

What structure in a plant cell allows the plant cell to make food?

What most of the plant cell is composed of by volume; a large central vacuole.

What is the definition of the vacuole?

The definition for the vacule is that it is the stomach of the cell.

What is a large membrane covered chamber that stores liquids and is found in plant cells?

A vacoule is a large membrane covered chamber which stores liquids and found in plants.

Large liquid filled organelle in plant cells?

The large liquid filled organelle in plants is known as a vacuole.

Is a druse crystal in a plant cell?

Yes, they usually are there in the vacuole membrane or large central vacuole.