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Q: What is the definition of a modern day Renaissance man?
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In a modern era what would classify as a renaissance man?

Modern day Renaissance men can probably be split into two sections - the "formal" group, who are the well-known poets, authors and painters, and the "informal" group, who are the geeks and hackers that forever strive to advance their own knowledge, and in doing so benefit society.

What was the day in the life of a Renaissance man who would be attending the outdoor theatre?


How was the medieval man different from the Renaissance man?

Renaissance man have more science then the medieval man.

How was Michelangelo not a Renaissance Man?

Michelangelo was a Renaissance man he was actually the best Rensisance man

When was Renaissance Man released?

Renaissance Man was released on 06/03/1994.

What was the Production Budget for Renaissance Man?

The Production Budget for Renaissance Man was $40,000,000.

How might new ideas of the Renaissance affect society?

the renaissance era showed that man is basically awesome contrary to what Catholicism taught during the medieval period. This era was the transition between the middle ages, and the modern era.

What are the qualities of a Renaissance man?

a renaissance man has every good quality you can think of, coming from the Renaissance age in Italy, the ideal man was a Renaissance man, who had every ability, from creating art, to being able to dance. Basically he could do everything

How much money did Renaissance Man gross worldwide?

Renaissance Man grossed $24,172,899 worldwide.

What is a renaissance man and woman?

hard workers of the renaissance the man worked for the family and the woman cleaned

How did the renaissance affect the role of women?

In the Renaissance times a Renaissance Woman was supposed to marry well, be loyal to her husband and give birth to boys. A Renaissance Man, on the other hand, had to be well-educated, have cultural grace, be a gentleman and understand the arts and sciences. He also had to have refinement, be of noble birth and have courage. Many women did not fit the mold of what they called a "Renaissance Woman." Many of them would fit in as more of a "Renaissance Man" or what we would call a "Renaissance Woman" in our day and age.

How much money did Renaissance Man gross domestically?

Renaissance Man grossed $24,172,899 in the domestic market.