

What is the definition of a non polygon?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the definition of a non polygon?
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What is the definition of non-polygon?

A non polygon is a shape that doesn't meet the requierments to be a polygon. In order to be a polygon, a shape must have no curved lines and must be a closed shape.

What is a definition for non convex polygon?

A simple polygon that is not convex is called concave, non-convex or reentrant. A concave polygon will always have an interior angle with a measure that is greater than 180 degrees.

Whats the definition of a irregular polygon?

The definition of a irregular polygon is any polygon that is not a regular polygon.

What the difference between convex and non convex polygons?

In a non-convex (or concave) polygon, at least one interior angle is a reflex angle. An alternative definition is that if you take any two points inside a conves polygon, the line joining them is wholly inside the polygon.

Are all polygons regular?

Not all polygons are regular by definition. An irregular polygon may have non-congruent sides or non congruent angles or both. A regular polygon will always have both congruent sides and angles.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and non regular polygon?

Regular polygon is equilateral and equiangular. Irregular polygon is non-equilateral and non-equiangular.

What is the definition for sides of a polygon?

The sides of a polygon are straight line boundaries of the polygon.

What the difference between a polygon and a non polygon?

A polygon is 2 dimensional shape whereas a non polygon can be 3 dimensional shape

What shape is a non polygon?

Any polyhedrons such as a cube is a non polygon

What are characteristics of non-polygons?

A polygon is usually defined as a plane figure bounded by straight line segments. Any figure which does not correspond to this definition would be a non-polygon. For example, triangles, rectangles, squares, and even star shapes are called polygons. A circle, semicircle or oval is not a polygon. The have curved boundaries.

Can a parallelogran be a polygon?

Yes. It is not a question of "can it be". A parallelogram is a polygon - by definition.

What is a definition of a polygon?

A polygon is a five sided closed shape.