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A crescent is something that is "c" shaped. For example, the moon when it is a sliver is "crescent shaped."
It's the figure bounded by a semicircle and an arc of a larger circle. The most familiar crescent is the Moon, when it's partially lit by the Sun (as viewed from Earth). A frequent error in drawing a crescent is making the arc of a smaller circle.

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The moon was in it's crescent phase tonight.

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a yummy french pastry made by the catious Italian hands of men from Italy.

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Q: What is the definition of crescent?
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What is the dictionary definition of cresont?

Crescent means "C" like.

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There are two crescent moons. One is waxing crescent and the other in waning crescent. Waxing crescent is when less than half the moon is visible on the right side. Waning crescent is when less than half the moon is visible on the left side.

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What is the waxing crescent of the moon?

The definition of the waxing crescent moon is anytime after the new moon and before the full moon. After the full moon its is called a waning moon until the next new moon.

What is the definition of waxing (moon)?

The definition of the waxing crescent moon is anytime after the new moon and before the full moon. After the full moon its is called a waning moon until the next new moon.

How far did the Fertile Crescent stretch from north to south?

There is no exact definition of the Fertile Crescent region, though it generally covers the majority of modern Iraq and Syria, and portions of Turkey, Iran, Jordan, and Kuwait, plus possibly Israel and Lebanon.

How far did Fertile Crescent stretch from north to south?

There is no exact definition of the Fertile Crescent region, though it generally covers the majority of modern Iraq and Syria, and portions of Turkey, Iran, Jordan, and Kuwait, plus possibly Israel and Lebanon.

What is the phase of the moon when it's crescent shaped?

When the moon looks like a crescent, it is either a waxing crescent or waning crescent moon.