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the structute of the nuclear envelope is one of the stages in the cell cycle called called the telophase

the structute of the nuclear envelope is one of the stages in the cell cycle called called the telophase

yupp this is the answerrr hope i helped!!
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14y ago
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1d ago

Another name for a nuclear membrane is nuclear envelope. It consists of two lipid bilayers that surround the nucleus in eukaryotic cells, regulating the passage of molecules in and out of the nucleus.

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11y ago

A nuclear envelope is also known as the nuclear membrane, nucleolemma, or karyotheca. This membrane is found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells while surrounding the genetic material contained within.

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10y ago

A membrane that surrounds the nucleus of a cell.

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7y ago

The double membrane surrounding the nucleus of a cell.

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9y ago

The nuclear envelope refers to the double membrane structure that surrounds the nucleus. It provides the compartmentalization in eukaryotic cells.

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13y ago

Nucleoplasm surrounds it but I don't know what the word is called....

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12y ago

Like a message moving in and out of a main office

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10y ago

The nuclear envelope is the membrane around the nucleus.

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14y ago

Nuclear envelope

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Q: What is another name for a nuclear membrane?
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What is the name of an organism with no nuclear membrane and no membrane bound organelles?

Prokaryotes, such as bacteria and archaea, are organisms that have no nuclear membrane and no membrane-bound organelles. They have a single circular chromosome located in the nucleoid region and lack compartmentalization of their genetic material and cellular functions.

Which organelles developed nuclear membrane?

The nuclear membrane, as the name suggests, is the membrane around the nucleus. If you meant to ask which other organelles are membrane bound, then there are a few. Some examples are mitochondria and chloroplasts.

What is the double membrane surrounding the nucleus?

The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called the nuclear envelope. It consists of an outer membrane and an inner membrane, with nuclear pores that control the movement of molecules in and out of the nucleus.

Controles movement into and out of the nucleus?

nuclear membrane

Name of the Double membrane that surround the nucleus?

nuclear envelope

What is another name for the phospholipid?

Another name for the phospholipid bilayer is the plasma membrane or the cell membrane.

Cell membrane is to a cell as nuclear membrane is to?

Nucleus. Both cell membrane and nuclear membrane are protective barriers that separate and regulate the contents of the cell and nucleus, respectively. They control the movement of substances in and out of their respective compartments.

Another Name for the plasma membrane of?

the cell membrane

Openings in the nuclear membrane?

Nuclear pores are the openings in the nuclear membrane that allow the passage of molecules like proteins and RNA between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. These pores are essential for maintaining communication and regulating transport between the nucleus and the rest of the cell.

Do plant and animal cells have a nuclear membrane?

Yes, both plant and animal cells have a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus. This membrane helps to protect the genetic material inside the nucleus and regulates the passage of molecules in and out of the nucleus.

The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called what?

The nucleus of the cell is surrounded by a nuclear membrane. Like the cell membrane, this structure is also composed of phospholipids.