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Basic coverage.

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Q: What is the definition of primary coverage in regard to automobile insurance?
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Does your insurance cover you in your friend's car?

Yes, some of your own automobile insurance can cover you while driving your friends car. The coverage that your friend has on the car will be the primary coverage and then if that coverage is insufficient for the damage caused then you can go to your own policy for additional coverage.

What is meant by primary and secondary insurance coverage?

Primary insurance coverage is what is first used when a medical service is being rendered. This is what will be billed first. Secondary insurance is supposed to cover what the primary insurance does not.

If primary insurance denies coverage and you have secondary who is responsible to pay the bill?

== == If secondary insurance denies coverage, YOU get to pay the bill. == ==

When you have Medicare Part A Insurance and Supplemental coverage which is primary insurer?


If a patient has Medicaid coverage benefits and other health insurance coverage Medicaid would be primary or secondary?


Does secondary private insurance pay what primary private insurance will not pay?

Yes, if the secondary insurance plan covers it In the pharmacy (drugs) world of primary and secondary coverage, this is true.

Will a secondary insurance pay a portion or all of a prescription that a primary insurance will only pay part of because they will only pay for a lower dosage?

In most cases a secondary insurance would compensate coverage were the primary insurance does not. Exceptions apply to the prescription drug type and coverage limitations.

What types of coverage does Star Health Insurance offer?

"Star Health Insurance offers coverage in outpatient care, emergency room assistance, hospitalization, pharmaceutical care, and coverage with your primary care provider."

I am trying to find out about Medicare/Medicaid co-payment responsibility with dual coverage?

Your state may have varying laws about dual coverage, but generally speaking, if you have a primary insurance, they will pay first. Any co-pay or deductible that your primary coverage does not pay will be covered by government insurance.

Can your employer ask for your vehicle insurance to drive their vehicle?

Your personal auto coverage will not cover their vehicles. What they are probably asking for is to make sure you have coverage in case you drive your vehicle on errands or such for the company. If you go to the post office to get the company mail your personal auto insurance will be the primary insurance and then if they have an endorsement to their insurance called "hired and non-owned auto" it will provide secondary coverage over and above your coverage to protect them in case of an accident. Their coverage insists that you as the employee have primary insurance on your vehicle. Also note that the company insurance will not pay for damage to your vehicle.

How is a theft of a vehicle work when there are two insurance policies?

The policy with the broadest scope of coverage is primary. The other policy with less coverage would be considered secondary and does not invoke until or unless the coverage from the primary policy is exhausted.

Can you change your secondary insurance to primary insurance if your coverage is better with the secondary insurance?

In most cases no. You can not chage due to better coverage. 90% of insurance companies, if not more, have what is called a birthday rule. Meaning if you have dependant children on the policy the guardian who was born first (or who is older) is the primary carrier for the dependant children and the younger of the two guardians is the secondary carrier. If you were to have coverage through yourself and a spouse you would be your own primary, as would your spouse be their own primary. If you are the carrier for both insurances then it would all depend on your plan provisions and restrictions, in which case you would have to question each insurance company as to how they would handle determining what insurance is primary and what insurance is secondary.