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A female dog.

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Q: What is the definition of une salope in English?
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What is salope?

"une salope" is translated by "a slut"

What does une salope mean in French?

'une salope' is a disparaging French word meaning "s-l-u-t"

How do you say slang french?

Salope, pute, or catin. You can also say, tu es une salope/pute/catin. (You are a slut.)

How can you translate t'es une salope in English?

you are a b*tch (offensive towards women). Salope usually had the meaning of 'sloppy (person)', but the evolution of the word added the meaning of being sexually promiscuous. The sense of the masculine 'salop' evolved differently to mean 'bast*rd'.

What does petite salope mean?

Salope used to be common French for 'sloven', but it slowly turn to indicate a promiscuous girl or woman. Hence "Je suis une petite salope" commonly means "I am a little sl*t".

What is 'ah la salope' in English?

it means "oh the sl*t!"

What is une veste in English?

Une veste is a jacket in English.

What does une cle USB mean in English?

Une clé USB - I believe it's a Flash/Memory Drive. I found the following definition from and translated it to English: • A USB drive (Une clé USB) is a removable storage medium that plugs into the Universal Serial Bus of a computer port.

What is 'une copine' when translated from French to English?

'Une copine' translates to 'a girlfriend' in English.

What does une ligne mean in English?

une ligne means "a line" in english. une ligne is french.

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Une mère is a mother in English.

What does une souris in French mean in English?

Une souris is a mouse in English.