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Q: What is the definiton of a main conduct of a volcano?
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What are the 5 main parts of a composite volcano?

The main parts of a volcano is the crater, main vent, magma chamber, and pipe.

What are the 3 main volcanoes?

cinder cone volcano, strato volcano, and composite volcano

What are the main parts of a volcano and their functions?

There are a number of main parts of a volcano. Some of these include the throat, the sill, the conduit, and the parasitic cone.

What is the name of the main tube in a volcano?

it is bubbles

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Operational is something that is in use. Operational also mean ready for use.

What is the height of the methana volcano?

Τhe height of the main volcano is 417 m and the diameter is 150 m.

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carbon dioxide

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What are types of volcano?

I really need to know what are the three main types of volcanoes??? A:the three main types of volcanoes are: active volcanoes dormant volcanoes extinct volcanoes -shiv kumar.v