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Q: What is the density of the air in the stratosphere?
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What is the density of gas in the stratosphere?

the density of the stratosphere is about .18

What are the characteristics of the stratosphere that make it the ideal layer for the Concorde to travel?

less air resistance because air density is less.

Does Air exists in stratosphere zone?

Yes. But the density is low (compared to sea-level) and the temperature is alsao quite low. Other than that, stratosphere is quite "normal".

Does the density in the mesosphere go up or down?

The density of the mesosphere is lower than the density of the trophosphere or stratosphere. As you go higher into the atmosphere, the density decreases.

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Is there air in the stratosphere?

no douche bag

What is the name of the air layers?

The layers are present in stratosphere. These are troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere.

Where is the Tropopause located of earth's atmosphere?

The height of the Tropopause depends mainly on the Latitude. At the Poles, it is about 30,000' and at the equator it is about 60,000. This number varies with a change in temperature/season. It is higher at the equator due to a naturally higher temperature at sea level, this means the parcel of air has a lower density. Because of the lower density the parcel of air will be more 'stretched out' than the air at the poles (the colder parcel of air with a higher density).

Two atmospheric layers that contain air as warm as 25c?

The thermosphere and the stratosphere are two atmospheric layers that can have warm air.

Why does the stratosphere have less oxygen than the troposphere?

We know that oxygen is just a bit heavier than the air like carbon dioxide ,nitrogen etc.Besides that the main source of oxygen,the trees is in troposphere. Because of this reasons oxygen density is much heavier in troposphere than the stratosphere

What layer of the atmosphere in the air that you breath?


What is air like in the stratosphere?

The stratosphere is the second layer in the atmosphere, right above the troposphere. The air is warmer the higher you go up and cooler farther down. Commercial aircraft flies in the lower layer of the stratosphere.