

Best Answer

the Density of Vinigar is 1.01 g/ml

BY D.Ford

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13y ago
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Q: What is the density of vinigar?
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How does vinigar make an eggshell soft?

the vinigar desolves part of the egg shell because vinigar is an acid

Do things float in vinigar?

If the density of an object is less then the vinegar then it will float, if it's density is greater then the object will not,ex: cork is much less dense then water, so it floats on top of water

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learn to spell

Is vinigar hot or cold?

vinigar is not hot nor cold its like oil xD!! who luvs pie!!! i do!!!!

Is vinigar a acid or alkalis?

It is acidic

Is a vinigar a alkais?

Vinegar is an acid.

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What is the pH of vinigar?

pH 4.864

How does an egg dissolve in vinigar?

No, it doesn't

What do you spray on a apple tree?

vinigar is good

Can you get the hair out with saltwater?

Only if vinigar is added