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Q: What is the derivative word in English of incitabant?
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What are derivatives for the latin word incitabant?

The derivatives for the Latin word "incitabant" include "incite" and "incitement" in English. These words carry the meaning of urging or prompting someone to take action.

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The English derivative for the Latin word "vita" is "vital."

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English has many derivative words.

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The Latin word for 'counsel' is 'concilium'. One derivative in English from that original Latin word is conciliary. Another example of an English derivative is reconciliation.

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One Latin equivalent to the English word 'conversation' is 'conloquium'. An English derivative of that original Latin word is colloquy. Another Latin equivalent to the English word 'conversation' is 'sermo'. An English derivative of that original Latin word is sermon.

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The English derivative of the Latin word "lectus" is "lecture".

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Wrestler; athlete.