

What is the desperation of the bonus marchers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the desperation of the bonus marchers?
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What did general MacArthur to get the bonus army marchers to leave the capital?

General MacArthur commanded the infantry and Calvary to drive the Bonus marchers out of the capital. The belongings and shelters of the Bonus Army were burned.

Who were the bonus marchers trying to help?

Soilders from WW1

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They sent in troops.

How did president Herbert Hoover react to the Bonus Marchers?

He sent the U.S. army to chase them out of Washington D.C.

What was the government's reaction to the Bonus Army?

It turned public opinion against President Hoover.

A group of 275 marchers in aparade need to form rows of 8 marchers the extra marchers lead the parade in 1 smaller row write the number of marchers in the first row?

275 marchers/8 marchers/row = 34 rows (of 8 marchers) + 1 row of 3 marchers or in math terms: 275/8 = 34 + 3/8 so, your final answer is that the first row has three marchers while the other 34 rows have 8 marchers. Hope this helps

When was The Night Marchers created?

The Night Marchers was created in 2007.

When was Marchers of Valhalla created?

Marchers of Valhalla was created in 1972.

How many pages does Marchers of Valhalla have?

Marchers of Valhalla has 121 pages.

What are marchers drums?

Marchers normally use snares and bass drums!

Are night marchers real?

Yes it is! You can watch the movie 'The Night Marchers' on their website...

Why will marchers at the end of a long parade following a band be out of step with the marchers nearer the band?

Because there will be a timed delay for the sound at the front of the band to reach to back marchers