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Q: What is the diagnosis for stress?
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Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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Psychological counseling may be helpful, given that a diagnosis of lupus is life altering, and stress and frustration can enhance symptoms while searching for a diagnosis

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To diagnosis a menicus tear. the tibia is internally rotated to stress the medial meniscus.

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The inability to handle EXTREME stress.

What does ICD9 code 733.96 mean?

ICD-9-CM diagnosis code 733.96 = Stress fracture of femoral neck

What is oncogenic stress?

A class of traumatic stress disorders that is characterized by the significant dissociative states seen immediately after overwhelming trauma. By definition it cannot last longer than 1 month, if it persists, a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (STRESS DISORDERS, POST-TRAUMATIC) is more appropriate.

Four syllabic words with stress on first and third syllable?

the stress is on the third : legendary February culinary purgatory signatory repertoire secretary literally on first: devastation manifesto diagnosis constitution pediatrist macaroni

What could be the preoperative nursing diagnosis?

anxiety related to impending surgery;knowledge deficit related to impending surgery;risk for anxiey related to stress of surgery

Understanding A Stress Echo?

A stress echo is a medical diagnostic test that can determine heart and vessel irregularities. An echocardiogram, which is an ultrasonic study of the heart is done immediately following a stress test, which evaluates heart function during exercise. The stress echo can be useful in diagnosis blockages, electrical problems of the heart and valve abnormalities. No special preparation is required for the stress echo, however, some cardiologists may recommend that certain cardiac medications be held until after the stress echo has been performed.

Can you go on short term disability for work stress?

Stress and Anxiety are both difficult conditions to assess when claiming disability insurance benefits. This is because Stress and Anxiety can be difficult conditions to diagnose. Unlike many illnesses, these conditions can not easily be diagnosed using medical exams or tests. Instead much of the diagnosis is based on a patients report of symptoms.Nonetheless, Yes a claim can be made for stress and/or anxiety.

What does a clinical correlation mean from a stress test?

A clinical correlation from a stress test involves interpreting the test results in conjunction with the patient's symptoms, medical history, and other diagnostic tests to arrive at a diagnosis or treatment plan. It helps the healthcare provider determine the significance of abnormal findings on the stress test in relation to the patient's overall health condition.

Is hyperkalemia a nursing diagnosis or a medical diagnosis?

Hyperkalemia is a medical diagnosis.