

What is the dialect of Assyrians?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the dialect of Assyrians?
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The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

How do you use dialect?

I am unfamiliar with your dialect.

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The who rebelled against the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

Who rebeled against Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

When were the Assyrians?

assyrian caravans were in 1600 B.C. and they were used by Assyrians

Who rebelled against the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

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No he was never captured by the Assyrians

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Assyrians (DarkTears)

Was the Assyrians nomadic?

No. The Assyrians were conquerors. They ruled the powerful Assyrian Empire.

What kind of beliefs did the Assyrians have?

from all my reserch the Assyrians belive in gods

How is dialect presented?

Dialect is relative. As one linguist once said, A language is a dialect with an army and a navy.