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It is 33 METERS in diameter

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Q: What is the diameter of the chandra telescope?
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What makes a telescope powerful?

The light-gathering power of a telescope is determined by its aperture, which refers to the width of a telescopes primary mirror or objective lens.

What is better a 60mm or a 70mm telescope?

70 mm. The numbers refer to the diameter of the main lens or mirror; the larger this number, the more light-gathering the telescope is, and also, the higher its resolution will be.70 mm. The numbers refer to the diameter of the main lens or mirror; the larger this number, the more light-gathering the telescope is, and also, the higher its resolution will be.70 mm. The numbers refer to the diameter of the main lens or mirror; the larger this number, the more light-gathering the telescope is, and also, the higher its resolution will be.70 mm. The numbers refer to the diameter of the main lens or mirror; the larger this number, the more light-gathering the telescope is, and also, the higher its resolution will be.

Is jagdish chandra Bose the brother of netaji subhas chandra Bose?


Is a light telescope the same as a refracting telescope?

Not exactly. A light telescope is a telescope that catches and shows visible light. The main light-gathering piece may either be a lens, in which case you would have a refracting telescope. Or - much more common with the larger telescopes - the main light-gathering piece is a parabolic mirror. In this case, it is a reflecting telescope. The largest refracting telescope is about 1.2 meters in diameter; all larger telescopes - currently up to about 8 meters - are parabolic mirrors.

Subhas Chandra Bose's autobiography?

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Related questions

What type of light did the Chandra telescope see?

The Chandra telescope was built to observe X-rays.

What wavelength does the Chandra telescope use to examine outer space?

The Chandra Telescope uses x-rays to examine outer space.

Is the Chandra a space or land based telescope?

It is a space based XRAY telescope

Where is the Chandra telescope?

In orbit around Earth.

What year was the Chandra telescope built?


What has the Chandra Telescope Discovered?

The Chandra Telescope has discovered many different things. But the most popular discoveries are these. The Crab Nebula, The Orion Nebula, and Eta Carinea.

How much more light does a 3-m-diameter telescope collect than a 1-m- diameter telescope?

32 = 9.

What are NASA's the best observatories?

There are four: Hubble Space Telescope, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope.

What is the biggest telescope?

The largest optical telescope in the world today is the Gran Telescopio Canarias (Grand Canary Telescope) in Spain, with an effective diameter of 10.4 meters. The world's largest individual radio telescope is the RATAN-600 in Russia, with the effective diameter of a 600 meter dish.

Does the diameter of a telescope control its magnification?

No, the diameter of a telescope's objective lens or mirror determines its light-gathering ability and resolving power, while the magnification is determined by the ratio of the focal length of the objective lens or mirror to the eyepiece.

What makes a telescope powerful?

The light-gathering power of a telescope is determined by its aperture, which refers to the width of a telescopes primary mirror or objective lens.

What is a western astronomical telescope worth?

The size of a telescope depends on many factors, but mainly, on its size. For example, a telescope with a diameter (of the main lens or mirror) of 100 mm will cost much less than one with a diameter of 500 mm.