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Q: What is the diffeence between primary and secundary growth?
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What is difference between primary growth and secondary growth?

Primary growth is when the stem or root of a plant gets lengthens, and secondary growth is when the stem/root gets thicker.

Do growth plates lie between primary and secondary ossification centers?

yes they do

What does the primary growth of plant add and while secondary growth adds?

Primary Growth adds height, while secondary growth adds Girth.

What is the site of primary growth for plants?

one answer: cell growth, which is caused by photosynthesis.

Do Woody plants lack secondary growth?

Primary growth is responsible for elongating the plant. In woody plants, primary growth is then followed by secondary growth which allows the plant stem to increase in thickness or girth.

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What part of a plant produces secondary growth?

Meristematic tissue (vascular cambium) produces secondary growth. In plant stems, this serves to increase the diameter, and it forms between the primary xylem and phloem.

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Pioneer Species

Are the tissues found in the monocot stem primary?

Yes ! They are primary tissues as there is no secondary growth.

Are the tissue found in the monocot stem primary?

Yes ! They are primary tissues as there is no secondary growth.

What is the functions of primary growth in plant?

by feeding them with water

The primary growth phase of a cell is?

G1 phase