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Trivial means something which has a point but of little importance whereas pointless means something which has no point and not important at all.

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Q: What is the difference between 'trivial' and 'pointless'?
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How do you know the difference between supporting details and trivial details?

Supporting details: Details that pertain to the topic at hand. Trivial details: Details that are not required in the conversation.

Why would you determine the prime factorization of only composite numbers?

Because the prime decomposition of primes is trivial and pointless.

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"What is the difference between inequalities and equations" is a question, not a statement. A question cannot be true or false. It can be pointless, or badly phrased or misguided but that is a different matter.

What is the difference among obvious and trivial?

Trivial: After some time, a simple proof can be found Obvious: Someone of my intellect can figure it out with little time and effort

What does trivial means in a sentence?

Trivial means "of a negligible detail". Triviality is most noticeable when it occurs between two parties, one believing the trifle to be important, while the other finds it "trivial" or not important. If nobody notices a trivial detail, then it is essentially too trivial to even be called trivial (because it is a waste of mental effort). Things of a trivial sort include that last spec of chalk on the board when the teacher erases too quickly (which seems to get on a lot of people's nerves despite it really not being a big deal), or remembering what you ate on Tuesday 2 weeks ago. A lot of people with OCD, Autism/Asperger's and and some other mind-effecting conditions have an intense urge to satisfy trivial needs, most of which they acknowledge are pointless, but can't stop doing anyway. Things like chronic hand-washing, ordering objects by size/shape/color, having specific places for things that could just as easily go anywhere else, are all trivial details/actions.

What is googol minus septillion?

A googol, which is 10100 minus a septillion, or 1024, is still approximately a googol. The difference is trivial.

What is the opposite trivial?


What is the opposite for the word meaningful?

casual, immaterial, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, irrelevant, lesser, light, lightweight*, little, meager, meaningless, minim, minimal, minor, minuscule, minute, negligible, nondescript, nonessential, not worth mentioning, nugatory, paltry, petty, pointless, purportless, scanty, secondary, senseless, small, trifling, trivial, unimportant, unsubstantial

What is the difference between a 15th century caravel and a ship built in the 20th century?

15th century caravel made out of wood and a 20th century ship is made out of metal.

What is trivial set?

The word trivial means "useless". So a trivial set would be a useless set.

What part of speech is the word trivial?

Trivial is an adjective.

What is the difference between dustbin beaver and justin bieber?

Dustin beaver - no idea what that is probably a beaver - an animal no less. Justin Bieber - International sensation, teen heart throb, human. So yeah, that was sort of a pointless question.