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Only certain qualified taxpayers can use the 1040EZ FORM and the form has only one page with fewer lines so it would be a shorter form to use if you qualify to use it.

The 1040 tax form has 2 pages with lines available for all of the different income, adjustments to income tax credits, other taxes, payments, additional tax credit amounts, etc so it would be a 2 page form plus all of the necessary attachments that could be necessary for some of the needed information that would be included on the 1040 LONG form.

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Q: What is the difference between 1040 1040a 1040EZ tax forms?
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The difference between 1040a tax forms and 1040ez tax forms is that it depends on if the person is a dependent or an independent person. It also matters on how much you make.

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what is the difference between the IRS 1040 and the IRS 1040EZ forms?

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For federal income tax returns, you have three related forms: Form 1040EZ, Form 1040A, and Form 1040. Start by checking if you can meet all requirements stated regarding the use of 1040EZ and if you are okay with its limitations. If not, check the requirements and limitations of Form 1040A.

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The 1040EZ form makes filing taxes a bit easier. It explains in detail how to fill the form in. It has detailed instructions on the process. The IRS website gives helpful information(

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Form 1040 is a an annual tax form for the residents of the United States. It is also referred to as the "long form". Other 1040 forms available are 1040A (the short form) and 1040EZ.

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What is Form 1040A?

Form 1040A is U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. It's one of the three in the 1040 series. The forms in the 1040 series are the main form for reporting your income information to the Internal Revenue Service. Form 1040EZ, only one page in length, is the simplest to fill out. Form 1040A is two pages but it's less complicated than Form 1040, because it allows a smaller number of attachments (forms and schedules).

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Any one of the IRS 1040 income tax returns that you qualify to use 1040, 1040A or the 1040EZ. The forms and instruction are available at the IRS gov web site using the search box for each one.

How does one determine the correct tax form?

If in doubt, use Form 1040, it works for everyone. Some people can use the shorter forms 1040A or 1040EZ. Here are tips on how to choose the right form from the IRS:,,id=105099,00.html The only real difference between the forms is that the short forms leave out a lot of the lines that don't apply to most people with simple taxes. Some people get confused by the fact that there are a lot of lines they will be skipping on the long Form 1040 because they don't apply to them.