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All Saints Day (November 1)is when we honor all the saints, including those who have not been canonized. All Souls Day (November 2) is when we offer prayers, penance, and good works for the souls in Purgatory.

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Q: What is the difference between All Saints Day and All Souls Day?
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What date is All Saints Day celebrated and All Souls Day celebrated?

All Saints - November 1 All Souls - November 2

When is the feast day for all saints?

Halloween was originally All Souls Day or All Saints Day. The Church still celebrates it as All Souls Day.

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A saint is a person recognized for their exceptional holiness and virtue in the eyes of the Church, often through miracles or exemplary deeds. A martyr specifically refers to a person who is killed for their faith or beliefs, typically enduring suffering or death rather than renounce their beliefs. All martyrs are considered saints, but not all saints are martyrs.

When does the Church remember all that are deceased souls on?

November 1 is All Saints Day, and November 2 is All Souls Day. All Saints is when we celebrate all those who have entered heaven and are now Saints. All Souls Day is when we pray for All Holy Souls who are still suffering in Purgatory. Heaven is commonly referred to as the Church Triumphant, Purgatory is the Church Suffering, and here we are in the Church Militant.

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What is the religious holiday after All Saints Day?

November 2 is All Souls Day.

Who belongs to the community of saints?

I believe you mean the Communion of Saints. It consists of all the saints in Heaven, the souls in Purgatory and all those alive on earth who are in a state of grace.

What name is given to All Saints Day November the 2nd?

All Saints Day is November 1 and All Souls Day is November 2.

When is All Saints Day celebrated - November 2nd or 1st?

All Saints Day is observed on November 1. All Souls Day is on November 2.

Why do Filipinos celebrate All Souls Day?

Filipinos celebrate the feast of All Saints Day for the same reason all Catholics celebrate it - to honor the thousands and thousands of unrecognized saints in Heaven whose names are known only to God and who have no individual feast day as do the named saints. They celebrate All Souls Day to honor and pray for the souls of those who have died and may be in Purgatory awaiting entry into Heaven.

Why is All Souls day related to Halloween?

It isn't, Halloween is the evening before All Saints Day, other than proximity in the calendar, it has nothing whatsoever to do with All Souls Day.

What is the purpose for lighting candles at graves on All Saints Day?

Its just a matter of respect to your love ones. It actually is done on All Souls Day, not All Saints Day.