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There is a difference in spelling, the US uses more phonetic spellings - eg English = colour, US = color.

Also the American tend to pronounce "o" s differently eg "Bob" in US is pronounced (to the English ear) as "Bab". (there are also other differences)

Differences in accents are nice to hear.

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6mo ago

The main differences between English spoken in the UK and English spoken in the US are in accent, vocabulary, and spelling. In terms of accent, British English generally has more regional variations and tends to be more diverse than American English. Vocabulary also varies, with differences in certain words and phrases used, such as "lift" in the UK and "elevator" in the US. Lastly, spelling differs, with examples like "colour" in the UK and "color" in the US.

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Q: What is the difference between English spoken in UK and English spoken in Us?
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