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It would depend on which music is being examined. The official music of the Catholic Church is Gregorian chant, which traditionally uses only the male voice though an organ may accompany the chant if required. Catholics also have polyphonic choirs of both male and female voices and these sing a variety of hymns in praise of Jesus and Mary; many of these pieces are considered classics and can be purchased on CD from top international choirs.

The Lutherans, coming on the scene in the 16th century, retained those ancient hymns acceptable to their newly refined beliefs. They also made some of their own. Many hymns from this period - and these are the hymns which many modern churches sing to this day - were framed in the melodies of common drinking songs. It was easier to catechize the people this way since they already knew the tune and would quickly be able to pick up the words inserted into them and thus also learn Lutheran doctrine. These catchy hymns have since been picked up by modern Catholic churches; it is not uncommon to find the same hymns in the hymnals of multiple denominations. Traditional Catholic chapels still exist, and in these one can still hear Gregorian chant sung at Mass. Polyphonic choirs exist in both the Lutheran and Catholic Church, but are rare because of the time and personal skill they require. Bach is perhaps the best known Lutheran sacred music composer.

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