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Bigger then some cats but smaller then others

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Q: What is the difference between Lynx and other cats?
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Related questions

What is difference between lynx and house cats?

A lynx is bigger than a house cat.

What is the difference between a Cheetah and a Serval?

Cheetahs are larger cats that run down their prey with astounding speed. Servals are stalkers, closely related to the lynx family of cats.

What type of lynx cats are there?

there is Canada lynx , Eurasian lynx ,Iberian lynx and the bobcat.

What eat snake?

Hawks, Eagles, other birds of prey, and large cats, such as a lynx.

How do Canada lynx talk to each other?

A lynx can communicate in different ways. such as: mews, yowls, spits and hisses. The cats also use scent marks, facial expressions, and different ear positions to help get their message across to other lynx.

What do these cats look like Canadian Lynx and Spanish Lynx?

I really dont know.

Info on a highland lynx cat?

According to "Highland Lynx cats were developed by crossing two existing breeds--Desert Lynx cats and Jungle Curls. The primary foundation breed for Highland Lynx is the Desert Lynx. Outcrosses to the Jungle Curls were made specifically to add the unique curled ears to the cats. Essentially, Highland Lynx are Desert Lynx with curled ears. They are strong, muscular cats which are medium in length with longer hind legs, and toes may be tufted. They are very alert, intelligent cats. Males are larger than females and slower to mature. These cats come in both long and short hair."

Are lynx the smallest felines?

No. Typical house cats can be smaller, as well as other species, like bobcats.

Are Desert lynx cats hypoallergenic?

Sorry its not.

Cats that start with L?

Leopard, lynx

What are some facts about the lynx cat?

They are not like cats.

What is the difference between cats and rats or mice?

Rats are smaller than cats.