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Bacterial STDs can be cured by antibiotics; viral can not be cured, but usually controlled.
Viral STDs - Can not be cured for symptom; however, these symptoms can be controlled, but can not be cured.

Bacterial STDs - Can be cured for symptom; this can be cured by antibiotics.

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Q: What is the difference between a bacterial STD and a viral STD?
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What are the two categories for STD?

Two categories of STDs are "curable" and "incurable." Of the curable STDs, the causes may be bacterial or parasitic. The incurable STDs are viral.

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FTD = Florists' Transworld Delivery. STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease.

Is AIDS the most common STD in the US?

Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STD in the US, and the most common reportable STD. You should know that not all STDs are reportable, so the CDC doesn't get direct reports about HPV or trichomonas.

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If infected, all bacterial types can be taken care of with antibiotic's, and viral can be helped with antiviral medications. Always wear a condom for sexual intercourse. Do not have intercourse if your infected.

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Licking someone's foot is not recommended. One could catch a number of viral and bacterial infections although no serious STD type diseases can be contracted this way.

Is HPV a viral STD?

HPV is a viral STD. HPV can cause genital warts or cancerous/precancerous lesions in the cervix or anus.

How do you spell gohnerra?

The correct spelling of the bacterial STD is gonorrhea. (aka the clap)

What std causes symptoms similar to bacterial vaginosis?

Most women with trichomiasis have bacterial vaginosis at the same time. In contrast, most women with bacterial vaginosis do not have trichomoniasis.

What is gonerella?

Gardnerella is a bacteria that can be found in the vagina, and can contribute to bacterial vaginosis. Gonorrhea is a bacterial STD. I hope that one of those answered your question.

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Is trachomatis the same as trichomonas?

Trachomatis is not the same as trichomonas. Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterial STD, and trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoal STD.