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An embedded chart will show on your sheet. You will still be able to see other cells and figures in the sheet. A char sheet is a separate tab in the sheets tabs and only has the chart on it. When creating a chart you are given to option of which to do. The look of the chart itself won't be different, as it is still based on the same data.

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There are many advantages. It can be quicker to see the chart as changes happen in the data. It can make the chart simpler to understand if the data is near it and visible. It means that there are less sheets in your workbook. You have more flexibility to move a chart or resize it or make other changes to it when it is embedded. You can delete a chart quickly if it is embedded, as often an embedded chart is being made only temporarily. You can have more than one embedded chart on a sheet, so it is easier to compare charts or see charts that are in some way related through the same data.

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Q: What is the difference between a chart sheet and an embedded chart?
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Where is a chart displayed in Excel?

A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.A chart can be displayed on a sheet, in which case it is known as an embedded chart, or on a sheet of its own, known as a chart sheet.

What is chart sheet excel?

It is a sheet that only contains a chart and has no columns or rows. It shows a chart completely on its own sheet instead of being embedded in a worksheet.

What chart sheet?

When you create a chart it can be embedded into the sheet where the data appears. You also have the option of setting the chart to be on a sheet tab of its own. This is a Chart Sheet.

What is a non embedded chart?

It is a chart that is on a chart sheet, not embedded on a worksheet. There will be a separate tab for it, like each worksheet has.

What is a embedded pie chart in Excel 2007?

It is a pie chart that is part of the sheet it is on and not on a sheet on its own.

Charts can be embedded in a worksheet or where else?

They can be placed in their own chart sheet.

Do Embedded charts display the chart and any text or figures on separate pages?

An embedded chart is shown as part of an existing worksheet. A chart that is not embedded is on a chart sheet of its own.

When is it better to use embedded chart?

If it is a small chart for a simple set of figures, then an embedded chart can often be more convenient than switching from the sheet to a chart sheet. You might use it as a temporary stage to see how a chart looks and to get the data correct and then later move it to its own chart sheet.

Can a chart be displayed in a chart sheet?

Yes. Charts can be shown on the same sheet as the data, which is an embedded chart, or on a separate sheet showing just the chart, which is a chart sheet.

What are disadvantages of embedded charts?

They don't always look as good, as they are floating over the data. They don't have fixed positions, so it can be harder to find them on a large sheet. You often have to move them as you add more data into the worksheet. It is more difficult to manipulate an embedded chart that a chart sheet. They are usually small, so don't always give a good representation of the data.

What are charts that appear on the same sheet as the worksheet data?

Embedded Chart

What are embedded charts?

An embedded chart is a chart that is drawn on the same worksheet as the data. Excel Chart In Excel, you can create embedded charts or chart sheets. Embedded chart exists as an object on the same worksheet with the plotted data. Chart sheet exists on a separate sheet in the workbook. Since all charts are linked to the data they plot, the chart changes with any changes made in the plotted data. Also, hidden columns or rows are not shown on the chart by default. This can be changed by unchecking the "Plot visible cells only" option on the Chart tab under Tools > Options.... HOPE THIS WILL HELP YOU :D