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Colt has no matter.

A chestnut horse, has a chestnut colored body with the same colored mane.

A bay horse, Has darker brown (bay) body with generally a black mane.

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Q: What is the difference between a chestnut and bay colt?
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What color colt do you get when you breed a chestnut with a brown?

Well first off colt is a male and Filly is a female...foal is a baby horse. So if you breed a chestnut to a brown horse you would likely get the following chances. 58.34% bay/brown, 33.33% chestnut, and 8.33% black.

What is the most common color for the thoroughbred?

Black, Bay, Dark bay or brown, Gray, or Chestnut.

The difference between a firth and a bay?

the difference between a firth and a bay is a firth is bigger

What will the color of the foal be if the mare is gray and the stallion red?

Its depending on the mare's color before it turned gray! And on the dominant genes. But these colors can be possible: - Chestnut/Sorrel/Red Mare (Before it turned gray) 50% Chestnut that goes gray 50% Chestnut that stays chestnut - Bay mare (Before it turned gray) 29.17% Gray out of bay 29.17% Bay 16.67% Gray out of chestnut 16.67% Chestnut 4.17% Gray out of Black 4.17% Black - Black Mare (Before it turned gray) 16.67% Gray out of Black 16.67% Gray out of Bay 16.67% Black 16.67% Bay 16.67% Gray out of chestnut 16.67% Chestnut

How do you distinguish a brown horse from a bay horse of similar body?

It depends what you mean by "brown." A bay horse can come in just normal bay or dark bay. As obvious in the name, dark bay is the really dark brown, and bay is lighter, but over all chestnut is the lightest colour of brown. So, without confusing you (more than you probably already are :-P) you can tell the difference by how light the horse is. If the brown is really light then it is clearly a chestnut. If you search on Google Images, "Bay horse", "Dark bay horse" and "chestnut horse" you will be able to see how the different colours vary. But over all, try to remember that really light- Chestnut, Darker- Bay and really dark- Dark bay. Sorry if I confused you but I hope I helped =)

What colour will a bay horse and a chestnut horse make?

it can vary but some times it can be a liver chestnut or a bay or a normal chestnut. the colour could be any but i would suggest you go on a proper horse website

What are the coat colors of a Russian Don horse on Howrse?

Chestnut - 29% Flaxen Chestnut - 15% Cherry Bay - 6% Flaxen Liver Chestnut - 2% Liver Chestnut - 21% Black - 3% Bay - 10% Dark Bay - 8% Light Grey - 1% Dapple Gray - 2% Dun - 3%

How do you tell when a horse has its colour?

It depends on the mother and father. For example: The Sire was chestnut and the Dam was Bay. The choices are going to be only Bay or Chestnut from her sire and dam. If he/she has the dark points it's a Bay.

What is the difference between a firth and a bay?

The difference is a bay is rounder and not so narrow. a firth is long and narrow and a bay is round and wider.

What is the difference between a strait and a bay?


What percent will a Palomino colt come out of a Bay mare?

Breeding for a Palomino foal is not an easy task since the coloration is often an 'accident'. One reliable method is to breed a Palomino with a light Chestnut of Eastern blood.

What colors are the chestnut the horse?

Chestnut is a brown color that ranges from a red-ish brown to a golden-brown. What separatates chestnut from bay is that bay has a black mane and tail while a chestnut's mane and tail is the same color of the coat or lighter. The chestnut, found on a horse on the inside of his front legs above the knees, is an off-white color.