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Council is one name for the governing body of an institution. Towns often have Town Councils as their local government. Some colleges or universities are run by councils. School districts and corporations are more likely to call theirs Boards rather than councils. Legislatures and senates are also titles for this kind of body.

A committee is a group of persons, usually drawn from the membership of another larger group of people, including a council or other governing body, who are assigned the task of dealing with a particular issue. If our club is welcoming a special guest, we may assign some members the task of preparing the welcome; they would then be the "Welcoming Committee".

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Q: What is the difference between a council and a committee?
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What's the difference between council committee and commission? basically means a group of experts from their respective backgrounds and committee is a group of general people. for eg.HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL it is a group of 47 countries which are expertise in dealing human rights in their own respective countries whereas HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION refers to group of 47 contries where they all are under an authority and have to accept the decision given by the authority that heads over the meeting a final decision cannot be attained in a council rather suggestions are given for a problem but in a committee an answer to a problem is obtained and implemented. human rights commission has been transformed to HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL....