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Apparently the difference is slight. Click on the link named "Counterfeit" in the "RELATED LINKS" along the left side of this box to read a recent news report concerning these counterfeits.

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Q: What is the difference between a genuine US100 dollar bill and a US100 dollar bill made in North Korea as counterfeit?
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How do you tell if you have a counterfeit 2006 1 dollar bill?

Take it to a bank, they will be able to tell you if it really is genuine.

How can you tell the difference between a replica Morgan dollar and an original Morgan dollar?

All replica coins sold in the USA are required to be marked with the word "COPY" in a conspicuous location on the coin. If a replica does not have the word "COPY", then it is a counterfeit.

What is the value of a 1879 420 grain 900 fine trade dollar?

All 1879 trade dollars were proofs and the entire trade dollar series is heavily counterfeited. Most likely, your coin is a counterfeit, but should be examined by someone who knows a lot about coins (good places to start are coin shops and jewelry shops) if you believe it to be genuine, but most likely it is a counterfeit. If genuine it could be worth hundreds to thousands of dollars.

What is the price of an 1851 indian head silver dollar?

The 1851 Indian dollar is a well known novelty coin (technically not a counterfeit, as there was no genuine version in the first place). It was made in China, contains no silver, and isn't worth anything.

What is the difference between dollar and rupee?

dollar =54 ruppes

How much does a 1802 US Silver dollar weigh to verify it is not counterfeit?

They originally weighed 26.96 grams. Of course a circulated coin will weigh slightly less. And genuine silver dollars are NOT magnetic.

How could you know that the one million dollar is original or not?

Many businesses print million dollar bills. They are sold as novelties, and do not assert that they are legal tender. The Federal Reserve has declared them legal to print or own and does not consider them counterfeit because no genuine million dollar bill exists or ever has existed.

Why would someone make a conterfeit 1872 trade dollar espesially that year?

Trade dollars were first issued in 1873. I assume the appeal of having a counterfeit 1872 trade dollar is in the fact that no one in the world has a genuine one? Honestly, I have no idea. Pranking, I guess?

What is the difference between Family Dollar and Dollar General?

i dont think there is

What does a 1872 us trade dollar 420 grains 900 look like?

It wouldn't look like anything because no genuine Trade Dollars were minted in 1872. If you have a coin with that date it's a counterfeit. There were some silver pattern coins dated 1872 that were struck in 1873, but these are already accounted for. They are versions of the Liberty Seated Dollar. You can see pictures of genuine Trade Dollars at

What is the difference between the Canadian dollar and the US Dollar?

Both Canada and America use the dollar as their currency. The main difference between them being the exchange rate with 1$ Canadian being worth 96c American.

How much is a 1020 silver dollar worth?

A silver dollar from the year 1020 is worthless, as it is a counterfeit.