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A horn is the gray matter of the spinal cord, and a column consist of white matter.

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Q: What is the difference between a horn and a column in the spinal cord?
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What is the difference between spinal column and vertebral column?

because during the growth of human beings the vertebral column outgrows the spinal chord. that's why we don't find the spinal cord starting from lower lumbar region where lumbar puncture is done.

What is the thickness of the spinal cord?

The spinal cord is made of nerve tissue, the spinal column surrounding it is made of bone

What parts of the human body does the vertebral column protect?

spinal cord

What is the spinal condition where spinal cord grows and tightens the spinal cord?

Tethered Spinal Cord is a condition where the spinal cord is attached to the spinal column and that causes the cord to become stretched.

What are the main functions of the spinal column?

The spinal cord sends messages to the brain,if we didn't have a spinal cord we couldn't do anything

What runs through the center of the vertebral column?

the spinal cord

Is the spinal cord made out of bone?

The human spinal cord is protected by the bony spinal column. The spinal column is made up of bones called vertebrae. The spinal cord itself is made of neurons, similar to the brain itself.

What type of muscle is the spinal cord?

The Spinal Column is a nerve.

What helps you stand up tall and protects the nerves in your spinal column?

the answer for this qyuestion is spinal cord

What region of the spine has the closest tolerance between the spinal cord and the spinal foramen?

The thoracic spine, where movement of the spinal column is most limited.

Who is protected by the spinal cord?

the spinal cord

What organ protects the spinal cord?

Your vertebral column protects the spinal cord. Vertebral column is supported by strong ligaments. Most importantly the muscle tone is there, which act on vertebral column, to protect your spinal cord.