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The circulatory system of the chimp and human is basically the same.

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Q: What is the difference between a human circulatory system and chimpanzee circulatory system?
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What is a major difference between the circulatory of a grasshopper and that of an earthworm?

Grasshoppers have an open circulatory system, and worms have a closed circulatory system. There you go. :)

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An organ is part of a system. e.g. the heart is part of the circulatory system

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The digestive system breaks down and absorbs food. The circulatory system circulates blood through your body. The respiratory system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide. With the help of the circulatory system it transfers these gases to and from your cells.

Do amphibians have a single loop circulatory system?

no they have double loop circulatory system but the difference is that they have single ventricle.

What is the difference between cow's and human's circulatory systems?

There are many differences between cow's and human's circulatory systems. The cow system has to work around 4 stomachs for example.

What is the similarity between a fish's circulatory system and humans circulatory?

Both are close circulatory system.

What is the difference between a closed and open circulatory system?

We, as vertebrates, have a closed system in that our blood travels from the heart and back. Other organisms don't have such a system. Open circulatory systems allow all fluids in an organism to mix.

What is the difference between the transport system of plant to the transport system of animals?

Plants really don't have a circulatory system. Water and nutrients move through a plant by simple physics. It's not pumped anywhere like an animal's circulatory system is.

What is the difference between the perch and human circulatory system?

A perch heart has two chambers and a humans has four cambers

What the difference between men and women cardiovascular system?

Excluding circulatory system related to reproduction, men have a stronger and longer circulatory net, for men and women with standard shapes.Man's heart is stronger and larger too.

What is the difference between a crayfish circulatory system and a humans circulatory system?

A crayfish has an open circulatory system while humans have a closed circulatory system. "Closed" means that we have true blood vessels that carry blood to and from the heart. "Open" means that the organs are simply bathed in blood that freely circulates around the body. Sometimes the heart can move the "blood" by creating pressure waves in the fluid.