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Q: What is the difference between a lava plateau and a shield volcano?
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What is the difference between a composite and shield a Volcano?

Shield Volcanoes erupt less violently and flows further then composite volcanoes. A composite volcano erupts more violently.

Broad volcano with gently sloping sides?

This is called a shield volcano and an example would be Hawaii.

What type of volcano is Haleakala in Hawaii?

The Hualalai volcano is a dormant, quiet erupting, shield volcano.

Is laki a shield volcano or a composite volcano?

a shield volcano

Is Mauna Loa volcano a shield volcano a composite volcano or a cinder cone volcano?

I believe that the volcanoes on Hawaii or shield volcanoes. For sure, I know Mauna Loa is a shield volcano.

What is A type of volcano with broad and gentle slopes and built by the eruption of fluid basalt lave?

The type of volcano is the shield volcano. Shield volcanoes can be found in Hawai'i.

What shape of volcano is shield volcano?

A shield volcano is low and wide.

A very broad volcano with gentle slopes?

If you're doing the volcano crossword it's a shield volcano. :]

What type of volcano has a circular base?

uhm i think its shield volcano but im not sure ...... but i kno its between A, HOT SPOT B, CINDER - CONE VOLCANO C, COMPOSITE D, SHIELD VOLCANO or the storage of magma under the volcano

What types of volcanoes be found in the Hawaii islands?

An underwater volcano. The volcano that made Hawaii was a shield volcano.

Why is eyjafjallajokull a shield volcanoe?

The case in question: eyjafjallajokull is a glacier. It is on a volcano, which is a shield volcano. A shield volcano has gentle sides. This defines a shield volcano. I hope this answers your question.

Is kilauea a shield volcano? active shield volcano.(: