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Without meant offense to female-dog-owners, MILLIONS! a) You don't have to keep throwing out male dogs when she is in her peirod. b) If you want to breed, the onlything you have to do is let your dog go, and then pick him up. (If it was female, the story wouldn't end there, it would START there) c) Just have to go to the vet for vacunation. I have a male dog, and my cousin a female dog, we've compared the cares each needs and found out it is cheaper and easier to have a male dog!

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14y ago
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12y ago

Well, it really depends.

If your dog is going to be neutered or spayed (which is recommended especially if the dog hasn't been health tested, has a good temperament, and has good hips, eyes, elbows and ears because the puppies will inherit this) then it doesn't matter too much.

If you're looking to have a dog on the mellow side, well then males tend to be more on that side although I've met females like that.

If you're looking for a female (and if you're not spaying her) then you have to be willing to put up with her cycle and blood everywhere and the risk of male dogs jumping the fence...Also, they tend to have a more sassy attitude especially in their cycle.

But their temperament really depends on their parents and the Volhart Puppy Altitude Test.

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11y ago

Male Boxers are more affectionate and calm than females. Males are extremely attached to their owners and are more eager to please which makes them easier to train. Females are loving but much more independent and stubborn. They rule the roost in a multi-dog family and get along better with males than with other females.

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10y ago

In the animal kingdom, it is widely known that the females are predominantly smarter than the males. This is true with dogs. The females are smarter and because of this, they are more easily trained.

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3y ago

Male has turned up nose

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Q: Which is smarter in dogs male or female?
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