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Both are raptors, but they have different hunting and nesting requirements. They are different genus and species.

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Q: What is the difference between a osprey and Peregrine Falcon?
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Osprey kills peragen falcons right?

No.Ospreys are fish eaters, and would not be able to catch a peregrine falcon anyway.

Who is the Egyptian hawk-headed god?

Re had the head of an osprey; Horus had the head of a falcon. Menthu also had an osprey's head.

What are the top largest birds of prey?

Eagle, Falcon Osprey and the Owl

What fish hawk was nearly made extinct by pesticides until it learned to live in the nation's downtowns?

Osprey or Peregrine

How fast does a peregrine falcon dive?

Most hawks can reach speeds of up to 200 mph, but some faster. The Peregrine Falcon can dive at incredible speeds of over 260 mph, for example.

What is the difference between an osprey and a fish?

An osprey is a specific type of bird, more specific a bird of prey. A fish is a name we use for all members of the class - Pieces, see Taxonomic naming..

What are some adaptations of the Peregrine Falcon?

One of the adaptations is its speedAs you know, the falcon has amazing abilities to fly at the fastest of speeds, but that is only one of the many adaptations of the Peregrine Falcon. Another adaptation of the Peregrine is its feet and beak. If it wasn't for the feet, and beak it would starve because the feet and beak help the falcon grab its prey.When this bird is hunting in the air it will use its speed to kill its prey. It can fly up to speeds of 200 miles per hour. Due to the size difference between the male and female they each take different prey species.The falcon has adaptations for flying too. When this bird is flying it uses a small cone in its nostril that protrudes to breath. This adaptation was researched, and engineers began to use it as a design for the plane engines.he Peregrine Falcon has extremely light weight bones as all birds do. Their speed, the way they breathe, and their bone structure allows for quick attack.When the bird is in its natural habitat, its body temperature stays the same no matter how hot or cold the air is.From the adaptations here I am sure you can truly see that the Peregrine Falcon is a wonder of the world.the peregrine falcons adaptations are that they lay up to 3-4 eggs

What are the top 10 birds of prey?

1.golden eagle 2.peregrine falcon 3.harpy eagle 4.philippine eagle 5.steller's sea eagle 6.kestrel 7.eurasian eagle owl 8.northen goshawk 9.osprey 10.american bald eagle

What type of raptor is a osprey?

A raptor, there aren't any specific types of raptors. Raptors are about as specific as it gets.

What birds of prey in Scotland?

Although i don't live in Scotland myself i do know of a few Birds of prey living there such as the Golden Eagle, the Osprey? (double check) kites (black??and red? - again double check) also the peregrine falcon and more recently the comeback of the once UK native the eurasian/European eagle owl :)

What is the difference between an osprey and a sea-eagle?

You can tell by the wingspan. The osprey have a crook at mid span, almost like an elbow. The eagle have a straight wing.

All types of Hawks?

There are five main hawk types: Kites, including: Snail Kite Mississippi Kite Swallowtailed Kite Accipiters, including: Goshawk Cooper's Hawk Sharp Shinned Hawk Buteos, including; Red tailed Hawk Red Shouldered Hawk Broad Winged Hawk Facons, including: Peregrine Falcon Kestrel Merlin Harriers, Including: Northern Harrier Many consider the osprey a type of hawk, but the osprey is in its own family, Pandionidae.