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Treadmills and ellipticals work different areas of your body while both providing a cardio workout. Ellipticals work more of your upper body than treadmills do, and may burn calories faster.

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Q: What is the difference between a treadmill and and elliptical machine?
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What's the most affordable brand of elliptical machine?

Bowflex is the most affordable brand of elliptical machine. It Combines stairclimber, treadmill & elliptical in 1 and you can check it out at

What is the difference between a treadmill and a mobile phone?

A treadmill is a machine for exercising, and a mobile phone is a portable phone.

Does an elliptical or a treadmill do more for the human body?

Both treadmills and elliptical are great for exercise. An elliptical machine will work out a larger portion of your body i.e. an elliptical acts as a treadmill and a stair stepper, a two in one workout.

What are some good replacements for an elliptical?

A incline/decline model treadmill is a nice replacement for an elliptical machine. The difference in motion may make a better workout. Horizon is a good place to start.

What kinds of exercises can be done on an elliptical machine?

Stepping, climbing, walking and resistance training are what can be offered on an elliptical exercise machine. It incorporates the use of a treadmill, weight set and exercise bicycle.

Does an elliptical machine or a standard treadmill provide a safer exercise option?

An elliptical machine is good for bad knees (Its like a cross trainer) as they don't land any pressure on your knees. On the other hand treadmill will force you to put your leg on it again and again which can cause you pain. So my advice is to buy an elliptical machine. For more information go to:-

How do elliptical machines compare to other exercise equipment?

There is no difference between an elliptical exercise machine and a elliptical cross trainer they are the same thing. Both are stationary exercise units that simulate running, using the stairs or walking without putting the pressure on the joints.

Do you think buying a elliptical machine is better than a treadmill?

In general, an elliptical machine is going to be easier on your knees and joints because you don't have the impact as you stride. If you prefer to run you might prefer a treadmill. Elliptical machines provide an added benefit that some models provide handle bars that you can use to supplement leg motion.

What is the meaning of elliptical fitness?

Elliptical fitness is fitness using an elliptical machine. The elliptical is a great way to do cardio without hurting your body like a treadmill does since you feel like you are walking on air when doing this.

What gym machines are best for fast weight loss?

Treadmill's Elliptical machine, stair master, stationary cycling

What is an elliptical machine used for?

The elliptical machine is an exercise machine that gives you more natural motion. You are able to stay on the elliptical machine longer than the treadmill. The oval shaped motion is easier on the joints than running which prevents knee injuries. When using the machine make sure your feet are secure and keep at a steady pace.

Who can tell me image Treadmill?

Elliptical machines can be found in most fitness facilities around the United States, due to the beneficial aerobic workout possible on these machines and the low-impact nature of the machine's motion. However, the elliptical machine can be more physically demanding than the treadmill, another aerobic and cardiovascular training machine. Because of the physical demands required to exercise on this machine, many beginners cannot complete a 20- or 30-minute workout on an elliptical.