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The difference between these two sets is simply the order/algorithm in which items are added to/accessed/removed from the map. The circumstances determine which particular implementation is better/faster.

A treeSet organizes data in a tree through use of Comparator (natural ordering) and the hashSet organizes data in a hash table (using a hash function).

See the Java API for more info:

The previous answer (unless I'm mistaken) is pretty much completely wrong...

----------- Previous Answer ---------

In a treeset data are placed in order... while in a hashset data is randomly placed...

A treeset is more efficient in case of search element.

As hashSet use the hash function to store the values, it does not maintain the order of elements, but TreeSet maintains the natural odering of elements (you don't need to sort it).

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Q: What is the difference between a treeset and hashset in Java?
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