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Tungsten wedding bands are made with 100% Tungsten. Tungsten Steel is made with 1/2 Tungsten and 1/2 Steel and those are the rings that will turn your fingers green, you dont want that!

Tungsten Carbide Rings/Wedding Bands are the best option and are industry standard. They have about 95% Tungsten with a Nickel binder. I have had mine for about a year now and it still looks great, not a single scratch and still shiny! Make sure to get a lifetime warranty because they can not be resized. I got mine here:

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Q: What is the difference between a tungsten wedding band and a tungsten-steel wedding band?
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What is the average price of a Tungsten wedding band?

Examples of tungsten wedding bands from the Tungsten Affinity company range in price from $99 to $189. Tungsten rings are becoming more popular as they are scratch-resistant and very affordable.

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there is no difference

What are the benefits of choosing tungsten wedding rings over traditional gold ones?

There are a few advantages of using tungsten over gold for wedding rings. Tungsten is ten times stronger and harder than gold. Tungsten also has an incredible shine.

Which jewelry retailers sell tungsten wedding rings?

There are many online retailers of tungsten wedding bands. One could purchase them from Tungsten World or one could also purchase them from Tungsten Republic.

What is the difference between nuptial and wedding?

The nuptials are the ceremony or vows and the wedding is the party.

Can you cut a tungston wedding band?

A Tungsten wedding band is made of a very strong metal, that is very durable and will not scratch. It would be very hard to cut a Tungsten wedding band because of the strength and durability of the metal they are made from.

Differene between marriage and wedding?

well the difference is that a marriage is something simple and you don't have a big ''ol'' party and wedding is a bug white dress a big party. That's the difference between wedding and marriage.

Does tungsten carbide scratch?

Can Tungsten Carbide Rings ever scratch?Tungsten carbide can only be scratched or damaged by extreme measures, like abrasion from diamonds or corundum. Consequently, activities that would normally require the removal of conventional wedding bands for their protection can be performed without concern by the wearer of a tungsten carbide wedding band. While extremely strong and scratch-resistant, tungsten carbide is a bit more brittle than traditional metals used in wedding bands.

What is a tungsten wedding band?

Tungsten is one of the hardest elements found naturally on earth. On a MOHS hardness scale (1 being weak, 10 being the strongest), tungsten has a 9. Gold is 4, titanium is 6, and diamonds are a 10. A tungsten wedding band will be virtually scratch proof and able to withstand hands-on activities, such as sports and construction work. If you're looking to purchase a tungsten wedding band, I suggest you visit Tungsten World ( They have many great designs to choose from, and from my own personal experience, excellent customer service.


Titanium as you know is a very lightweight metal, but also a metal that is highly prone to scratching. Tungsten (metal my wedding band is made of) is a substantially heavier metal that is almost impossible to cut once hardened, and will not scratch. Tungsten is in my opinion the best type of ring to go with, especially if you work with your hands. The only downfall to tungsten is that if you were to be in an accident or for some reason your finger swelled, it is almost impossible to cut off. However if it is your wedding band and you believe that marriage should be til death like I do then there should be no reason that the ring need to come off anyway. Hope this helps.