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An abbreviation can consist of letters that don't necessarily make sense when you try to read them. Examples: NCAA, ARRL, AFL-CIO.

An acronym is composed of initial letters, plus maybe some extra non-initial letters that can be pronounced. Examples: NASA, LASER, RADAR, SONAR, fubar, NATO.

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Q: What is the difference between acronym and abbreviation?
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British Petroleum. Technically it's an acronym not an abbreviation. An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word, such as abbr. for abbreviation. An acronym is any combination of abbreviations, contractions or initialisms. BP is an initialism and is therefore an acronym.

What is the difference between acronym abbreviation?

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Is abbreviation is just the same with acronym?

not always, but sometimes yes. You can say that MTV is an abbreviation for Music Television, and you can say that is an acronym for Music Television. However you cannot say the state abbreviation for California, CA, is an acronym for California.

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What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?

The difference between abbreviation and clipping is that clipping is a form of abbreviation where we only take group of word from front,back or middle. And abbreviation is shortening of words into two syllabus.For example: te-le-vi-sion.