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Q: What is the difference between aerial vs arboreal animals?
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Is a sugar glider an aerial animal?

Although sugar gliders can glide, they tend to stay in trees where they shelter and feed. For this reason, they are known as arboreal animals, not aerial.

Is bat an arboreal or aerial animal?

It is a aerial animal but it sleeps at trees

What is the difference between birds eye and aerial view?

Aerial is straight down. Bird's eye is diagonal

What is the difference between maps and aerial photographs?

Aerial photographs are prospective projection while maps are orthographic projection

What is the difference between a flip and an aerial?

A flip is forward almost like a sumersalt in the air and an aerial is a cartwheel in the air (without using your hands).

What do you call animals that fly in the air?

You call animals that fly in the air aerial locomotion animals. Such animals include most birds, bats and certain insects.

What is the difference between UAV and aircraft?

A UAV is an un-manned aerial vehicle, and aircraft has a pilot or pilots.

Is monkey an example of aerial animal?

What?! No!Aerial Animals are Birds, Insects and Batsmostly.

What is the difference between an adventitious root and an aerial root?

The aerial root is also an adventitious root but it emerges from the aerial part of the stem. On the other hand, adventitious root may come out from under groud part of the plant except the radicle as in a number of monocots.

What are areal animals?

Aerial animals are basically any animal who can naturally fly, glide, or soar in the air. Aerial animals include birds, insects, bats, sugar gliders, and flying squirrels.

What are the list of Aerial Animals?

Birds, bats, sugar gliders, flying lizards and all animals that can fly.

What is the main difference between aerial photographs and the human eye in a spectral sense?

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