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Retrograde is classified when the patient cannot recall ANY information which is stored in the memory before the illness began. Antrograde on the other hand is classified when the patient is not able to remember information after the illness has set up ie, he is not able no learn new information or facts.

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Q: What is the difference between antrograde and retrograde amnesia?
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What is the difference between prograde and retrograde?

Prograde motion is a counter-clockwise motion or west to east, retrograde motion is clockwise motion or east to west.

What is difference between prograde rotation and retrograde rotation?

Prograde rotation turns counter clockwise while retrograde rotation turns clockwise. ( As viewed from above the Earth's North Pole.)

What's the difference between alzheimers and amnesia?

Amnesia is when a person forgets many details about their former life (eg. name, people they knew etc.) due to trauma to the head. Alzheimer's is the slow degrading of the brain due to aging and genetic disorders.

What is the difference between amnesia and anemia?

While similar looking words they are quite different. Amnesia in its most basic form memory loss brought on by Brain Damage, Disease, or Psychological Trauma. Anemia is blood disorder that prevents efficient transfer of oxygen throughout the body.

What is the difference between prograde rotation retrograde rotation?

Retrograde motion is the opposite of prograde motion.So, retrograde motion is where a body is moving in the direction opposite to the movement of something else. Not to be confused with apparent retrograde motion. [See related link]If you were on a child's roundabout and your friend was running alongside in the same direction you were spinning, that would be prograde. If however, your friend turned around and ran the opposite way, that would be retrograde motion. [See related link for a pictorial]In astronomy:The Earth and four other planets rotate in the same direction as the Sun does; Prograde.Venus and Uranus rotate in the opposite direction; retrograde.Do not confuse this with retrograde revolution, as no planet revolves in the opposite direction to the Sun.See related link for a full explanation.

What is the difference between dementia and amnesia?

AMNESIA dementia !) means:loss of memories. !) means:loss of mental functions. 2) types:neurological\organic amnesia & 2) types: lewy body dementia, psychogenic\dissociative amnesia. vascular dementia. 3) causes: damage to limbic system of brain, 3)causes:stroke,toxic reactions to which regulates memory. drugs & alcohol. 4) symptoms:impaired ability to learn & 4)symptoms:memory loss, remember. madness. 5) no specific treatment. 5)treatment of medications such as Aricept,Exelon,Razadyne & Namenda.

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