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Q: What is the difference between collagen elastin and reticular fibers?
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What is the supportive connective tissue of an organ?

Areolar (or loose) connective tissue holds organs and epithelia in place, and has a variety of proteinaceous fibres, including collagen and elastin. It is also important in inflammation.

Why do tissues become stiffer and less efficient with aging?

There is a decrease in collagen and elastin in connective tissue.

What protein is insoluble in water?

One example of a protein that is insoluble in water is collagen, which is a structural protein found in connective tissues such as skin, tendons, and bones. Collagen's insolubility in water is due to its triple helix structure and the presence of hydrophobic amino acid residues in its composition.

What are the two types of supporting connective tissues found in the body?

Loose Areolar CT: gel-like matrix with fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells and collagen and elastic fibers, beneath epithelium, covering ventral organs, wraps & cushions organs.Adipose Tissue: closely packed adipocytes (fat-cells) Location = under skin (as subcutaneous layer), around kidneys and eyeballs, breasts, Functions = energy store, insulation, protection.Reticular CT: network of reticular fibers within loose ground substance and reticulocytes, Function = support.Dense Regular CT (White Fibrous CT), primarily collagen Location = tendons, ligaments, Poor blood supply = slow to no healing.Dense Irregular CT: primarily collagen fibers randomly arranged, Function = provides tensile strength.Elastic CT: primarily elastin fibers, Function = durability with stretch.Plus bone and blood are also considered as tissues.

Which protein permit streching and recoiling the skin?

Collagen is the major insoluble fibrous protein in the extracellular matrix and in connective tissue. It’s found in our muscles, bones, skin and tendons. Collagen production naturally begins to slow down as we age. Making wrinkles, sagging skin and weaker cartilage in the joints

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Collagen and elastin are secreted by?

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What are the characteristic of collagen and elastin?

Collagen: provide great tensile strength Elastin: stretch easily

Distinguish between collagen and elastin?

Collagenous fibers are the white fibers consisting of the protein collagen, common in connective tissues, including bone matrix as on the other hand Elastin fibers are stretchy yellow connective tissue fibers consisting of the protein elastin.

What is the supportive connective tissue of an organ?

Areolar (or loose) connective tissue holds organs and epithelia in place, and has a variety of proteinaceous fibres, including collagen and elastin. It is also important in inflammation.

What is the epidermis comsposed of?

Mostly collagen and some elastin.

Does vitamin c and collagen produce elastin?


What two crucial proteins does the dermis contain?

Collagen and elastin

What does fibroblasts and collagen make up?

The fibroblast cells' extremely important function is to make collagen and elastin.

What causes the skin of the face to sag with age?

The main causes of sagging skin on the face with age are decreased production of collagen and elastin, loss of fat and muscle tone, and the effects of gravity over time. Sun exposure, smoking, and genetics can also contribute to the breakdown of skin elasticity, leading to sagging.

The network of fibers in cartilage is made from two proteins called what?

Elastin and Collagen

What is the substance found in tissues that stretch like arteries lungs skin?

Elastin and collagen.

What contains collagen and elastin and acts as a packing material that supports internal organs?