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Communicable diseases are those diseases, which can be transferred from one person to another. They include the infectious diseases, which are caused by various infections by microorganisms. They are also communicable.

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10y ago
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13y ago

Infectious disease can be whats called endogenous, which means one person can have it and it can spread in that one person, but it can't spread to anyone else, but other Infectious Diseases, like Staph, Strep, MRSA and others can be caught by others. It depends on the type of bacteria involved.

Communicable diseases can be transmitted to others. More often than not the term communicable is used to describe STDs (sexually transmitted diseases ) or when people live in close relationships and share personal things, like drinking or eating after each other or washcloths and towels. TB and hepatitis for example, fall under communicable and the more common term contagious, although a person is less likely to get TB or hepatitis just being in a room once or twice with a person who has either one of them, than being in a room where a person has a cold or the flu and sneezing a lot or coughing with a little fever. Colds and flu are very contagious, the same way measles, mumps, chicken pox and even polio was before vaccines were found for them.

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13y ago

contagious disease (also called a communicable disease) is an infectious disease that is capable of being transmitted from one person or species to another. Contagious diseases are often spread through direct contact with an individual, contact with the bodily fluids of infected individuals, or with objects that the infected individual has contaminated

Apparently they are the same.


Not true. Contagious essentially means "extremelycommunicable."

"Contagious diseases" are most often communicable enough to warrant quarantine, whereas "communicable diseases" (such as the flu) are not.


According to the testbook: Microbiology by Tortora (ch 14):

Communicable disease: A disease that is spread from one host to another

Contagious disease: A disease that is easilyspread from one host to another

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9y ago

The respective possibility for the transmission or non-transmission by patients is the difference between communicable infections and non-communicable diseases. A condition which cannot be passed on from person to person necessarily will be considered non-infectious.

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11y ago

Yes, they are the same. Both mean contagious diseases that can be passed from one entity to another.

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15y ago

Infectious means communicable.

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10y ago

One of them is contagious and the other is not.

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11y ago

There is none. A communicable disease is the same as an infectious disease.

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12y ago

Sadly Yes

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Q: What is the difference between infectious diseases and communicable diseases?
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differentiate between non communicable and communicable disease? comm--highly infectious....can be caught and transmitted non comm--cannot be transmitted or caught....they are inherited , genetic or developed through nutritional deficiencies


Please stop using only upper case.

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Communicable means spreadbale. I.e. bacteria and viurses are 'Infectious Diseases' and can therefore spread between people. Non 'spreadble' diseases are things like cancer, Asthma, Pagets disease, ulcerative colitis.. the list is practically endless. False

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What is the difference between infecctious and non-infectiousn disease?

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Non-infectious diseases are easier to control - because you only need to treat the individual patient. With infectious diseases - the illness is spread between people - by touching or simply breathing in the same air while in close contact.

What is the difference between communicable and non communciable diseases?

A communicable disease is one which can be transmitted from one person to another, like the common cold. A non-communicable disease is one which cannot be transmitted from person to person, such as cancer.

What is the Difference between infections and non-infections diseases?

Infectious diseases are diseases that others can get from you either by touching the infected area, breathing the infected air, or touching items that you or the infected area have touched. Noninfectious diseases mean others cannot get the disease from you in any manner.