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Q: What is the difference between craft beer and hand-brewed beer?
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What's the difference between a premium beer and domestic beer?

The difference is that one is from the county and the other is not.

What is the difference between regular beer and Carona beer?

heaven is to christians as corona is to beer.

What is the difference between homemade root beer and store bought root beer?

your mom and my grandma. get the difference ;)

Who is the biggest producer of craft beer in the UK?

Craft beer doesn't exist as a product ! The term 'craft brewery' refers to the small, independent brewers in america,

What is the difference between liqueur and beer?

Liqueur is beer whiLe Beer is Liquer ! TAnga BOBO !! UTO UTO

Where can you purchase Savor Craft Beer?

The majority of craft beers are designed to contain more alcohol than standard beers. The average ABV is, which is 5.9%. 9 percent more concentrated than the typical beer.

What is the difference between Ginger ale and Ginger beer?

There isn't one. The words 'ale' and 'beer' are interchangable.

What is the difference between beer and draft?

There really is no difference between beer and draft. Draft can denote a form of beer deliver that is served from a tap which is connected to some kind of larger storage container, such as a half barrel, and served directly into a glass.

What is the difference between beer and bourbon?

borbon is American whiskym rye made fro & beer is made for barlay

What is the difference between deer nuts and beer nuts?

beer nuts are $1.50 and deer nuts are under a buck.

What is the difference between Mead and Beer?

Mead is mad of fermented honey and water, as beer is made of hops and grains


Beer is a fermented beverage, Rum is a distilled beverage and contains much more alcohol.