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Evolution is a scientific theory explaining the diversity of modern life. The various forms of creationism are religious beliefs, usually inspired by ancient myths captured in religious scriptures.

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Q: What is the difference between creationism and evolutionary theory?
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Should public schools teach creationism alongside evolution in science classes?

No, public schools should not teach creationism alongside evolution in science classes because creationism is not based on scientific evidence and is considered a religious belief. Science classes should focus on teaching scientifically supported theories and concepts. Students can explore creationism in a religious studies class or outside of the science curriculum.

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Instinct theory claims that how people survive and survived is related to generics. Evolutionary perspective claims looks at how previous language, memory, physical characteristics, etc. have evolved over time. While evolutionary perspective deals with biology more, it could technically fall under instinct theory because of how they both look at human behavior.

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The "state" is not part of evolutionary theory.

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What is difference between systematics & taxonomy?

Systematics: 1. Does not change with change in theory. 2. It deals with classification and evolutionary history. It remains same with time . Taxonomy: 1. It changes with change in theory. It deals with classification of oraganisms only,yet not evolutionary history. It doesn't remain same with time.

Which one came first----hen or egg?

According to evolutionary biology, the egg came first. The first bird that could be classified as a chicken would have evolved from a different species through the process of gradual changes leading to genetic mutations, making the egg laid by this bird the first to contain what we would recognize as a chicken.

Is the evolutionary theory bankrupt?

Absolutely not. The Theory of Evolution is the accepted scientific theory of how living things evolved on this planet. If you're looking for a "bankrupt" theory a serious contender would be the unscientific theory of Creationism. It has absolutely no scientific currency to support it. However, as Ayn Rand said so eloquently: Those who deny reason cannot be conquered by it.

Why did evolutionary theory prove important in taxonomy?

The homologous structures between different evolutionary structures help taxonomists in classifying organisms.

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How many pages does The Structure of Evolutionary Theory have?

The Structure of Evolutionary Theory has 1433 pages.