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Q: What is the difference between democratic government and democracy and democracy feiralrepublic?
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What is the difference between Fascist and Democratic?

In Democracy, the people control the government. In Fascism, the government controls the people.

What are two types of democratic?

The two types of democratic government are: > direct democracy; and > republic democracy

What kind of government allows citizens to elect representatives?

A democracy.

What describes a government that is subject to the will of the people?

A democracy?

Is there a difference between a democratic and democracy?

In the question the word democratic is an adjective, whereas the word democracy is a noun. Democratic is simply the adjective of the noun.

What is a word for a government in which people elect their leaders?

Democratic Government

What is the democratic form of government in israel?

Parliamentary democracy.

What is the most democratic form of government?

a Direct Democracy

What is democratic?

Democratic is a form of government by the people and for the people.

What role does open democracy play in democratic government?

An open democracy serves the basis for all types of political points. Many types of ideas can be used in a democratic government.

What type of government was Greece's gift to the world?

The democratic government system, or Democracy.

What is the type of democracy of Sri Lanka?

Democratic Socialist Government