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Length of the road you traveled to get from Here to There, including

all the turns and curves.


Straight-line length between Here and There, regardless of how you

get there.

Displacement is also a vector quantity, meaning it not only has a length number,

but it also needs to include the straight-line directionfrom Here to There.

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Q: What is the difference between distance traveled by the body and displacement?
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What is the major difference between distance and displacement?

Distance is how far you have traveled. For example, if you walk to school and back, you will have traveled twice the distance between the school and your home. Displacement is how far you have gone in your travels. For example, if you walk to school and back, your displacement is zero because you end up where you started.

What is the relationship between displacement and direction?

Displacement is just distance traveled and a direction. For example 40m east is a displacement distance

Suppose that an object travels from one point in space to another Make a comparison between the displacement and the distance traveled?

the displacement is either less or equal to the distance traveled

What conditions the distance and displacement between two points will be equal?

Answer: The magnitude of displacement is equal to distance traveled when motion is in a straight line

If you ride your bike around the block returning to the exact point where you started what is your displacement?

Well, if you traveled a distance of, lets say, one million miles, then your displacement would be zero. That is the difference between distance and displacement. Distance is the total area of which you have moved, commonly expressed by using miles or kilometers. While displacement is the DISTANCE between your starting point and end point.

What is difference between amplitude and displacement?

displacement is the vector quantity and the distance is scalar quantity, displacement is the shortest distance between two points.

What is the difference between displacement and speed?

Displacement is a measure of distance. Speed is a measure of the RATE at which the distance is traversed.

Why is displacement of displacement?

The difference between the final and the initial position of an object is called displacement. Unit of displacement is metre . Displacement <= Distance always.

How does the distance moved by an object between its starting point and its ending point compare with the displacement vector between the same point?

Displacement is how far the object is from the starting point, while distance traveled is the how far the object traveled all together. -Eric P

Can displacement be greater then distance?

Distance is a function of displacement. You need to define the origininal position and the present position. The difference between them is the displacement, the distance is the measure (using accepted units) of the difference between the two.

How does the displacement of an object be zero while the distance it traveled was 150 miles?

"Displacement" means the difference between the starting point and the end point. If you travel 75 miles to visit your grandmother, and then drive 75 miles back home, you drive the car a distance of 150 miles, but the difference between your starting point and end point is zero ... you ended right where you started from.

What is the different distance and displacement?

Displacement is a vector quanity that measures the difference between final position and initial position. Distance is a scalar quanity the measures the total length traveled. For example, imagine you begin stationary at any location and walk along the outline of a 100ft circumference circle, returning you to your starting location. Your distance traveled will be 100 feet, your displacement will be 0 due to your initial position and final position being identical.