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The correct answer is, there is no difference between hair and fur, just in which word we use to refer to it.

"Fur" tends to get used for soft, dense hair, like rabbit fur and wolf fur, or Alaskan Malamutes, whereas "hair" tends to get used for longer growths, like horse manes or Afghan hounds, or for short growing hair that lies close to the body, like "domestic short-haired cats" or Dalmatians.

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Q: What is the difference between dog hair and dog fur?
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Is there a difference between dog hair and dog fur do fleas avoid dogs with hair but not dogs with short fur?

there is really no difference.....most people say dog hair is what it is called when it falls off the dog and fur when it is on the dog...dogs with short fur/hair get less fleas then dogs with long fur/hair.... dogs also with white or light fur get more fleas then dogs with dark or black fur...

Does some dogs have hair not fur if your allergic?

I'm not really sure but there isn't much difference between fur and hair. Some dogs do have hair because hair never stops growing even after death. So when a dog sheds or the "fur" never gets any longer then it is fur. Although I, personally, think there is not a difference. Sorry if this doesn't tell you much but I do not understand your question.

What is the difference between fur and hair?

There is a major difference between hair and fur. Fur grows to a set length and stops. Hair continues to grow. We have hair on our heads and fur on our arms and legs. Fur is probably for primitive warmth and protection. Hair is likely for sex and attraction like differently colored eyes and special feathers. Further evidence of this is men having a beard and women do not. Much of nature allows a male to be flashier so as to attract a mate. or There is very little difference. There are slight differences in how the terms are used. A horse has hair, a dog or cat can have either fur or hair. Usually fur refers to longer softer coats of hair. Hair is the more generic word. A sheep has wool, not hair or fur. I pity anyone trying to learn English..... Another key difference between fur and hair is that fur is shed, often annually, while hair remains throughout the entire year.

What sheds more dog hair or dog fur?

Dog fur, despite the theory of Papa John McHugh. Dog Fur sheds and Dog Hair does not.

Is a dog a land animal with hair?

The dog is obviously a land animal with fur, for fur and hair have different atom structures.

Can a dog with hair and a dog with fur be born in the same litter?

I would imagine yes, if the mother has hair and the father has fur or vice versa then they could have puppies with either fur or hair

Does a bat have fur or hair?

Hair and fur are basically the same thing. The big difference between the two is, the core of the hair follicle. In animals, the core of each hair allows for the hair to provide excellent insulation from not only heat and cold, but also protection from rain as well. In contrast, human hair lacks this ability and does nothing to provide temperature regulation for the body. The term "fur" refers to the body hair of non-human mammals, but hair and fur are chemically indistinguishable from one another. The main difference between hair and fur, is the word usage.

Do horse's have hair or fur?

Hair but there is not hat much of a difference the only difference is that hair is more coarse than fur.

Does a Siberian husky have hair or fur?

hey, a Siberian husky is a dog and dogs does not have hair they have fur

What is a Tibetan Terrier?

a tibetan terrier is a dog that does not have hair it has fur. So if you are allergic to hair this dog does not have hair so you would not be allergic to it. Poodles are also fur dogs.

What is the difference between mammals and non-mammals?

Mammals Have Hair Or Fur, Non-Mammals Don't.

What type of body covering does a mammal have?

The body covering of mammals is skin, fur or hair. This is one of the defining characteristics of mammals.Note: There is no chemical difference between fur and hair, as both are made up of keratin. The difference is in man's perception of each. Animals which are regarded as having "hair" simply have a different type of "fur", and vice versa.