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Dog fur, despite the theory of Papa John McHugh. Dog Fur sheds and Dog Hair does not.

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Q: What sheds more dog hair or dog fur?
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Related questions

Does the color of a dog effect how it sheds?

No the color of the fur does not affect how much it sheds. But the thickness and the thinness do affect how much the dog sheds.

Do Yorkshire terrier fur need cut?

Definitely they need there hair cut unless u want it for a show dog but the good side about its fur is that it sheds very little.

Should you get an American Eskimo Dog if you are allergic to dogs?

No. The American Eskimo Dog sheds heavily. Its fur and hair stick to furniture and clothes. There are better dog breeds to choose from.

Is there a difference between dog hair and dog fur do fleas avoid dogs with hair but not dogs with short fur?

there is really no difference.....most people say dog hair is what it is called when it falls off the dog and fur when it is on the dog...dogs with short fur/hair get less fleas then dogs with long fur/hair.... dogs also with white or light fur get more fleas then dogs with dark or black fur...

Does some dogs have hair not fur if your allergic?

I'm not really sure but there isn't much difference between fur and hair. Some dogs do have hair because hair never stops growing even after death. So when a dog sheds or the "fur" never gets any longer then it is fur. Although I, personally, think there is not a difference. Sorry if this doesn't tell you much but I do not understand your question.

What i can do with my puppy stop drop Her hair?

the dog might be sheding or just have skin problems? but my dogs only comes out when he sheds.

How is beagle hair?

I have a Beagle myself, & the thing is that it sheds it's Winter fur in the Spring, which can be a little messy, but not as bad as dogs with more fur. Beagles have short hair, so it's pretty easy to take care of.

How do you keep a house clean with a dog that sheds fur everywhere?

In order to keep shed fur in the household down to a minimum, there are a few things you can do:Brush your pet often.Use the right brush.Cover your furniture and car seats.Vacuum often.Remove hair from upholstery and your dog's bed as soon as possible.

Is a dog a land animal with hair?

The dog is obviously a land animal with fur, for fur and hair have different atom structures.

Can a dog with hair and a dog with fur be born in the same litter?

I would imagine yes, if the mother has hair and the father has fur or vice versa then they could have puppies with either fur or hair

Does a Siberian husky have hair or fur?

hey, a Siberian husky is a dog and dogs does not have hair they have fur

What are some things that a pet owner can do to decrease the amount of hair their dog sheds?

Trim their dogs when its hot, brush excess hair off, make sure to use a good brush, make sure their dog has a healthy diet, add good food, wash fur thoroughly.