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More often than not, the terms involvement and participation are recklessly used to mean the same. That is, they are assumed they could be used interchangeably. It is wrong to do so even at the most elementary level. At human resources management level, employee participation is not employee involvement although the two go together and complement each other.

At the most elementary level, involvement articulates inclusion, and close connectivity to something. It depicts containment. Simply put , to be involved means to be included-to be subsumed-to be encompassed-to be enveloped or wrapped, to be contained.

Participation on the other hand, articulates a sense of being part of something, and therefore a share of it. It implies sharing something in common with others, joining with them in activities. It therefore denotes taking part in something.

From just this elementary viewpoint, it could be concluded with certainty and confidence that the two processes cannot mean the same and moreso when applied in the context of human resources management.

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Q: What is the difference between employee patcipation and employee involvement?
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