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The prefix "in" means "the opposite of", so "inexhaustible" means the same as "not exhaustible". One word is the exact opposite of the other.

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Q: What is the difference between exhaustible and inexhaustible?
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What is difference between exhaustible and inexhaustible?

Exhaustible resources can be depleted over time, such as fossil fuels. Inexhaustible resources, or renewable resources, can be replenished naturally or through human efforts, such as solar or wind energy.

What is the difference between exhaustible and inexhaustible resources?

Oil and gas is exhaustible and be all sucked up and burnt up, but sunlight and it's heat, is around for a little longer and that, we hope, would be called: inexhaustible.

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Want to know about exhaustible and inexhaustible resources?

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Is petroleum exhaustible or inexhaustible?

It's exhaustible.

What is the antonym of inexhaustible?


Is natural gas an inexhaustible resource?

No, natural gas is a finite resource that will eventually be depleted. While it is currently abundant due to technological advancements in extraction, continued consumption will lead to its eventual exhaustion. It is important to explore alternative energy sources to transition away from relying solely on natural gas.

Is coal exhaustible or inexhaustible?

Coal is considered exhaustible because it is a finite resource that is formed over millions of years from the decomposition of organic materials. Once mined and burned for energy, it cannot be replaced within a human lifetime.

Is steel an exhaustible or inexhaustible resource?

I is an exhaustible resource because it is steel not water, gas or sun. So it is really hard to find.

What is inexhaustible and exhaustable resource?

EXHAUSTIBLE RESOURCES: resources of which a finite quantity is in existence.

Inexhaustible and renewable resources are used less than?

... finite, exhaustible, non-renewable ones.

What is example of inexhaustible resources?

it is a substance that can not be inflamable