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The easiest way to describe it without quoting the complicated statutes is; False Pretenses is like a 'confidence game' (i.e.: The perpetrator convinces you of something that is not true in order commit, and profit by, a criminal act. Forgeryinvolves actually signing or altering a document by writing for the purpose of committing a criminal act.

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1mo ago

False pretences involve deceiving someone to obtain their property or money, while forgery involves creating, altering, or using a false document for the purpose of deceit or fraud. Essentially, false pretences involve deception through words or actions, while forgery involves deception through documents or signatures.

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Is a commitment a legally binding agreement between the government and a contractor?

Yes, a commitment is a legally binding agreement between the government and a contractor that outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship. It details the responsibilities and obligations of each party and serves as the basis for the work to be performed and the payment to be made.

Penal code pertaining to forgery in the Philippines?

Forgery in the Philippines is covered under Article 172 of the Revised Penal Code, which penalizes any person who counterfeits or imitates any handwriting, signature, or rubric. The penalties range from arresto mayor or imprisonment from one month and one day to six months for the least serious forms of forgery, to prision correccional or imprisonment from six months and one day to six years for more serious cases.

All laws a government makes are valid True Or False?

False. Not all laws made by a government are considered valid. Laws must adhere to the constitution and legal principles to be considered valid and enforceable. Additionally, laws that violate basic human rights or are unconstitutional can be challenged and overturned.

Is this true or false A preliminary hearing involves a group of jurors selected from the community?

False. A preliminary hearing involves a judge who listens to evidence presented by the prosecution to determine if there is enough evidence to proceed to trial. Jurors are not typically involved in preliminary hearings.

True or false Every child in a school zone is a human caution sign?

False. While children in a school zone should exercise caution, it is not accurate to label them as human caution signs. Signs and signals are important for traffic safety, and children should be taught road safety rules to help protect themselves.

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That would be forgery.

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