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Q: What is the difference between farmers cheese and White American cheese?
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Feta is wet and is a brind cured cheese where farmers cheese is dry and is unripened.

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Baby Swiss is an American Swiss cheese with small holes and a mild flavor. Petit-Suisse cheese is a French cheese, a fresh cheese made from milk enriched with cream.

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The difference between cheese and paneer is that paneer is one kind of cheese. There are hundreds of cheeses made worldwide. See Related Links.

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cheese is the difference between this question.

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The cheese.

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Roquefort is a French Bleu Cheese.

What is the difference between Farmers Cheese and Cottage Cheese?

farmers cheese isfarmers cheese is cottage cheese that has been pressed in a form to remove all the liquid, leaving a brick of formed cheese that can be sliced or crumbled when milk is curdled with rennet or vinegar, it forms solid curds and liquid whey. Farmers cheese is made by draining the whey off, usually in a cheesecloth. This makes a raw, soft cheese. It can be drained further by compressing the cloth or letting it drain longer. Salt or herbs can be added.

What is the difference between Indian cheese and imported cheese?

Inian cheese is a specific sort of imported cheese that comes from India.

What is the difference between American and cheddar cheeses?

One type of Cheese has a sharper, more strong taste.One tastes and looks very different.

What is difference between Indian cottage cheese and American cottage cheese?

My first thought would be the source of the milk.... American milk is primarilly cow milk, other countries also use goat milk so perhaps that is what it is made from...

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What is the difference between mozzarella and Parmesan cheese?

Parmesan is a hard aged cheese and Mozzerella is a soft fresher cheese